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Animal Wordsearch
Can you find all the different animals?
Can you Spot... the Letter C?
Can you spot things beginning with the letter C?
Can you Spot the Blend?
Develop phonics skills with this colourful activity sheet.
All About Henry Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions!
Dino Discovery Comprehension
Find the Rhymes!
Can you find the 30 rhymes hidden in this picture?
First Letters A-L Activity Sheet
Can you write the first letter of each of these words?
First Letters M-Z Activity Sheet
First Words Activity Sheet
Practise handwriting with this fun activity sheet.
Make Your Own! Activity Sheet
Make your own game of Match and Spell with these special templates.
Pizza, Pizza Wordsearch
Can you help the chef find the yummy ingredients to make a pizza?
Shopping Crossword
Can you complete this fun crossword?
Shopping List Wordsearch
Can you find everything on the shopping list?
Space Wordsearch
Can you find the space-themed objects hidden in the wordsearch?
Superhero Wordsearch
Can you find all the SUPER words?
Where are they?
Where is the animal in relation to the object?
Wiggly Wordsearch
Can you find the words in this fun wordsearch?
Write Your Own Story
Use the pictures to write your own story.